- School Campus
Our motto is Awake, Arise and receive Knowledge from enlightened ones.
School Campus
The Campus of Manas Sthali can rightly be called a sylvan, eco-friendly zone that boasts of ample greenery and abundant serenity. The environs of the School are best suited for serious, uninterrupted study and academic pursuits. Visitors and students undoubtedly find themselves at ease once they step into the endearing fold of the School. Manicured lawns, sprawling playfields and countless flowerbeds with a variety of ornamental flowers adorn the pathways of the School's well kept campus and add the much needed color to the backdrop of milky-white buildings and green lawns.
Nestled in the core of Manas Sthali campus is everything from a large-scale Laundromat that provides hygienically sound laundry services to a Tuck-Shop that proves to be a one-stop solution to the needs of students and teachers alike. An STD-ISD booth that operates during evenings, six days a week, ensuring that each student of all the eight Halls of Residence get an opportunity to call home once a week.
The Nation continues to reel under an acute electricity crisis but in this respect Manas Sthali has smooth sailing, so far. Thanks to the School Management Committee who has left no stone unturned in order to smoothen the lives of students by providing 24-hr electricity and water back-up. The School security outfit can be intimidating for miscreants- what with armed guards, on patrol round the clock. The residents however can look forward to a sound and untroubled sleep by nightfall and an infallible, secure atmosphere by day. The 10 feet high perimeter walls with 2 feet high barbed wire fencing on top of it are a rock-solid testimony to this.
About ninety percent of the faculty members reside on the campus itself. Their availability and presence makes a world of difference to the boarders who can look up to them for guidance, attention and moral support- at all times. The Staff is infact an extended family of each child that has been entrusted to the School. They are ever vigilant, caring and attentive towards the needs of the students.